Cyber Secure & Smart Energy Lab

About Us

Leading the charge in innovation, the Research Group led by Professor Wu at Kansas State University delves deeply into the realms of electrical and computer engineering. Recognized as both the Lucas-Rathbone Professor in Engineering and the Michelle Munson-Serban Simu Keystone Research Faculty Scholar, our team is steadfast in its commitment to groundbreaking research, paving the way for a smarter and more sustainable future for everyone

Research Interest:

Why Choose Us?

👌Diverse Research Interests: Our group passionately engages in a plethora of research areas ranging from renewable energy integration and smart grid security to advanced machine learning applications in the power and energy sectors.

💪Holistic Approach: Understanding the interdependencies of energy infrastructures, we analyze the challenges and opportunities that lie within integrating electric vehicles in smart grids, building efficient home energy management systems, and more.

👍Optimization and Control: We harness the power of stochastic modeling and optimization to redefine how large-scale systems are operated, controlled, and made reliable, ensuring the best possible outcomes in the real world.

Latest news:

Pathways to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 

What is World Wide Teach-in on climate and justice?

Worldwide Teach-In on Climate & Justice. Initiated by the Bard Institute for Sustainability, the Global Teach-In on Climate and Justice aims to engage communities in critical dialogue on climate change "just" solutions


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Kansas State University

3093 Engineering Hall

1701D Platt St., Manhattan, KS 66506

📞 Phone: (785) 532-4588

📠 Fax: (785) 532-1188

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