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Welcome to Smart Energy Systems (SES) Group at Kansas State University!

There are several openings for Ph.D. and M.S students in the SES group. We are looking for highly self-motivated students with strong backgroup in cyber-phsyical power systems. Please send your C.V. to Dr. Wu if interested. 

MANHATTAN — Hongyu Wu, Kansas State University associate professor of engineering, has received a more than $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Defense's Office of Naval Research to build a high-fidelity, cyber-physical test bed for all-electric ships.

​*August 2023: Yichen Liu joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome Yichen!  

*Augst 2022: Our project entitled "Grid-integrated renewable energy for Kansas agriculture" received a $100k internal seed grant from K-State. Keep up the good work!

*Augst 2022: Our project entitled "Grid-integrated renewable energy for Kansas agriculture" received a $100k internal seed grant from K-State. Keep up the good work!

*July 2023: Our DURIP project entitled "Development of Cyber-Physical Security Testbed for All-Electric Shipboard Power Systems" was funded by Office of Navy Research. Congratulations to the team! 

*July 2023: Dr. Wu served as a panelist in the CAREER Award Session in 2023 IEEE PESGM in Orlando, FL. 

*Feb. 2023: Dr. Wu served in an internal review panel for NSF EPSCoR Track 4 grant. 

*Feb. 2023: Dr. Wu served as a proposal reviewer for Hong Kong Research Grants Council. 

*Feb. 2023: Dr. Wu served in an NSF Review Panel. 

*Jan. 2023: Our joint report entitled "IEEE/NERC Joint Task Force on Security Integration into BPS Engineering Practices, “Towards integrating cyber and physical security for a more reliable, resilient, and secure energy sector”, was published. 

*Dec. 2022: Hang successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Proactive defense strategies against net load redistribution attacks in cyber-physical smart grids". Big congratulations to Hang.

* Oct. 2022: Dr. Wu was was included on an Elsevier list of the top 2% of scientists in their fields for single-year impact in 2021. link 

*August 2022: Dr. Wu gave a talk entitled "Impact of Model Predictive Control-Enabled Home Energy Management on Large-Scale Distribution Systems with Photovoltaics" for the Energy Visions Seminar.  

*June 2022: Dr. Wu was the recipient of an endowed chair, i.e., Lucas-Rathbone Professorship in Engineering. Congratulations!

*May 2022: Our Wildcat Wind Power team notches first-ever win at DOE's Collegiate Wind Competition. Big congratulations to the team! We are the Champion!link

*May 2022: Dr. Wu was was included on an Elsevier list of the top 2% of scientists in their fields for single-year impact in 2020. link 

*April 2022: By collaborating with NREL and DOE EERE researchers, our work entitled "Impact of model predictive control enabled home energy management on large-scale distribution systems with photovoltaics" was accepted for publication on Advances in Applied Energy. Nice work the project team!  

*April 2022: Lawryn successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation entitled "distributed renewable energy integration using distribution locational marginal pricing and the food-energy-water nexus". Big congratulations to Lawryn. She is the 3rd Ph.D. graduated in Dr. Wu's Smart Energy Systems Group. 

*March 2022: Dr. Wu was a panelist in the KSU seminar entitiled "NSF CAREER Nuts and Bolts" to share his experiences in submitting the NSF Career proposal. 

*Feb. 2022: Dr. Wu received a grant from NREL, with a project entitled "Development of MIDAS GUI and use cases for Stability-Augmented Optimal Control of Hybrid PV Plants with Very High Penetration of Inverter-based Resources (SAPPHIRE) Project". 

*Jan. 2022: Dr. Wu was awarded 2022 NSF Career Award, with a project entitled "CAREER: Towards attack-resilient cyber-physical smart grids: moving target defense for data integrity attack detection, identification and mitigation". Big Congratulations~! More info at this link.

*Oct. 2021: Our paper entitled "Stochastic home energy management system via approximate dynamic programming" was among the most downloaded papers in IET Energy Systems Integration. 

*Oct. 2021: Dr. Wu was interviewed to provide expert opinions for the upcoming Federal Reserve Energy Conference . The conference focused on the outlook for the global crude oil market, opportunities and risks of the global energy transition, energy finance and more. 

*Sept. 2021: Dr. Wu was appointed an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF=10.2). 

*Sept. 2021: Dr. Wu was appointed an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF=9.0). 

*Sept. 2021: Our project entitled "SCC-PG: Building Smart Communities to Advance Solar Energy in Rural America" was funded by NSF. Congratulations to our team! 

*August 19, 2021: Dr. Wu made a presentation, entitled “Cyber-physical attack and defense in smart grid: a review” at NERC-IEEE Cybersecurity Integration Project committee. 

*August, 2021: Lawryn successfully passed her preliminary exam and is officially a Ph.D. candidate. Congrats~!

*July 23, 2021: Palani successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "A fast penalty-based Gauss-Seidel method for solving large-scale stochastic network constrained unit commitment problems". Big congratulations to Palani. He is the second Ph.D. graduated in Dr. Wu's Smart Energy Systems Group. 

*June, 2021: Our paper entitled "Coordinated Operation of Water and Electricity Distribution Networks with Variable Renewable Energy and Distribution Locational Marginal Pricing" was accepted by Renewable Energy.

*May, 2021: Our paper entitled "A fast penalty-based gauss-seidel method for stochastic unit commitment with uncertain load and wind generation" was accepted by IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy. 

*May, 2021: Our paper entitled "Hourly occupant clothing decisions in residential HVAC energy management" was accepted by Journal of Building Engineering. 

*April, 2021: Our paper entitled "Optimal planning and operation of hidden moving target defense for maximal detection effectiveness" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 

*April 12, 2021: Bo successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Optimal planning and operation of moving target defense for detecting false data injection attacks in smart grids". Big congratulations to Bo and thank him for his great and hard work in the past four years!! He is also the very first Ph.D. graduated in Dr. Wu's Smart Energy Systems Group. 

*April 2021: Our paper entitled "Systematic planning of moving target defence for maximizing detection effectiveness against false data injection attacks in smart grid" was accepted by IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications.

*Jan. 2021: Our review paper entitled "Smart grid cyber-physical attack and defense: a review" was accepted by IEEE Access . 

*Dec. 2020: Dr. Wu is serving the Joint IEEE PES-NERC Technical Committee on Integration of Cyber and Physical Security into Bulk Power System Planning, Operations, Design, and Restoration Activities. 

*Nov. 2020: Our multi-disciplinary paper entitled "Consequences of climate change on food-energy-water systems in arid regions without agricultural adaptation, analyzed using FEWCalc and DSSAT" was accepted in Resources, Conservation & Recycling (IF=8.1) . 

*August 2020: Our paper entitled "A stochastic home energy management system via approximate dynamic programming" was accepted by IET Energy Systems Integration. 

*July. 2020: Our paper entitled "Prosumer Nanogrids: A Cybersecurity Assessment" was accepted by IEEE Access. 

* June, 2020: Dr. Wu gave a talk entitled "Challenges and Opportunities for DER Markets and DLMP" at Denver online forecasting and markets workshop - Markets 3. Presentation slides can be found here. 

*March 2020: Our work entitled "Short-term forecasts and long-term mitigation evaluations for the COVID-19 epidemic in Hubei Province, China" was published on Medrxiv. Congratulations to the team on this timely work! Together, we will get through this unprecedented challenge!  

*Feb. 2020: Our paper entitled "Optimal D-FACTS placement in moving target defense against false data injection attacks" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

*Dec. 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Wu on receiving NSF EPSCoR Research Fellowship, with a funded project entitled "RII Track-4: Robust Matrix Completion State Estimation in Low-Observability Distribution Systems under False Data Injection Attacks".  (link) 

*Nov. 2019: Our paper entitled "Distribution LMP-based Transactive Day-ahead Market with Variable Renewable Generation" was accepted by Applied Energy. 

*August 2019: Our project entitled "MRI: Development of Grid of Nanogrids (GNG) Testbed" was funded by NSF. (link)

*July 2019: Our paper entitled "HEMS-enabled transactive flexibility in real-time operation of three-phase unbalanced distribution systems” was published in the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.

*July 2019: Our project entitled "INFEWS/T2 FEWtures: Innovation Analysis Framework for Resilient Futures, with Application to the Central Arkansas River Basin" was funded by NSF.   Big congrats to our interdisciplinary team! (link)

*July 2019: Our project entitled "Enabling Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Resilience in Distribution Grids with High Penetration of Photovoltaics", in partnership with NREL, Oracle and Typhoon, was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. (link)

*June 2019: Dr. Wu served as a Symposium Chair for IEEE SmartGridComm'19 on Cyber Security and Privacy. 

*June 2019: Our paper entitled "A Frank-Wolfe Progressive Hedging Algorithm for Improved Lower Bounds in Stochastic SCUC" was accepted by IEEE Access. 

*June 2019: Our project entitled "Enabling a Transactive Energy System from a Stochastic Geometry Framework" was funded by NSF. 

*June 2019: Dr. Wu received Outstanding Assistant Professor Award in Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University. 

*April 2019: Li passed his final defense of the M.S. degree with a thesis entitled "An approximate dynamic programming based home energy management system and its impact on the distribution system". Congratulations to Li! 

*April 2019: Our paper entitled "Risk-based stochastic day-ahead operation for data center virtual power plants” was accepted by IET Renewable Power Generation. 

*March 2019: Bo was awarded 2019-2020 Robert I-Jen and Sophia Shui-Kan Jung Graduate Scholarship in Engineering. Congratulations to Bo! 

*Jan. 2019: Our paper entitled “Stability of Transactive Energy Market-based Power Distribution System under Data Integrity Attack” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

*Jan. 2019: Our paper entitled  “Robust matrix completion state estimation in distribution systems" was accepted in 2019 IEEE PES General Meeting. 

*Oct. 2018: Mr. Bo Liu gave a presentation entitled "Hidden moving target defense against false data injection attacks in distribution network reconfiguration" in Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec).

*Oct. 2018: Mr. Bo Liu presented a poster entitled "Hidden moving target defense against false data injection in distribution network reconfiguration" in Science of Security: Securing the Internet of Things Workshop.

*Sept. 2018: Our paper entitled "Integrated security threats and defense of cyber-physical systems" was accepted in Acta Automatica Sinica, a top Chinese journal in Control Science and Engineering. 

*Aug. 2018: Dr. Wu gave a talk entitled "Using local energy to complete the agricultural nitrogen cycle in a wind-energy-rich region" in a panel session of IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, OR. 

*Aug. 2018: Mr. Bo Liu presented a poster entitled "Hidden moving target defense against false data injection in distribution network reconfiguration" in a poster session in IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, OR. 

*Aug. 2018: Dr. Faqiry presented a paper and a poster entitled "ADP-based home energy management system under uncertainty: A case study using DYNAMO" in a paper forum session in IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, OR. 

*Aug. 2018: Warm welcome to Mr. Ananth Palani, who is officially joining our group this fall as a PhD student!

*Aug. 2018: Warm welcome to Mr. Hang Zhang, who is joining our group this fall as a PhD student!

*July 2018: Our paper entitled  “Multi-timescale three-phase unbalanced distribution system operation with variable renewable generations" was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 

*May 2018: Our paper entitled  “Applications of ZigBee wireless sensor networks for area coverage in microgrids,” was published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 

*Feb. 2018: Our senior design work entitled "Deep Neural Networks for Short-Term Load Forecasting in ERCOT System" was received Best Paper Award in 2018 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (IEEE TPEC 2018). Congratulate Mitchell Easley, Luke Haney and Jose Paul on the outstanding senior design work and presentation. 

*Feb. 2018: Our papers entitled "Hidden moving target defense against false data injection in distribution network reconfiguration" and "ADP-based home energy management system under uncertainty: A case study using DYNAMO" have been accepted without revision by 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting. Congratulations to Bo, Nazif and Li on the excellent work! 

*Dec. 2017: Our paper entitled "Deep Neural Networks for Short-Term Load Forecasting in ERCOT System" was accepted in 2018 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (IEEE TPEC 2018). The work was conducted by Team 11 of the ECE Senior Design Course. Congratulate Mitchell Easley, Luke Haney and Jose Paul on the excellent senior design work! 

*Nov. 2017: Our paper entitled “Transactive-market-based operation of distributed electrical energy storage with grid constraints” was accepted for publication in Energies.

*Nov. 2017: Congratulations to Jianwei on passing the final exam of master degree. 

*Sept. 2017: Professor Mohammad Shahidehpour, member of National Academy of Engineering, visited our lab and talked to our group.

*Sept., 2017: Our paper entitled “State-of-the-Art in Microgrid-Integrated Distributed Energy Storage Sizing,” was accepted for publication in Energies.

*Sept., 2017: Dr. Haifeng Zhang from Shanghai University of Engineering Science joined our group as a visiting scholar.

* June, 2017: Dr. Wu chaired an oral session and made a presentation about microgrid wireless sensor network in 2017 IEEE PES PowerTech, Manchester UK.

* May, 2017: Our paper entitled "IGMS: An Integrated ISO-to-Appliance Scale Grid Modeling System" was published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 

* April, 2017: Our paper entitled "A Weakly Budget Balanced Day-Ahead Auction in Distribution System Operation", which was one of the final projects of Power Market Operation course (ECE 890 in 2016 Fall semester), was accepted in 16th Annual IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (eit2017).

* March, 2017: Our paper entitled “An assessment of flexibility reserves in stochastic modeling at multiple timescales,” was published in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. 

* March, 2017: Our paper entitled: "Analysis of operating reserve demand curves in power system operations in the presence of variable generation" was published in IET Renewable Power Generation.

* Feb. 2017: Mr. Hammad Aljaloud joined our group. Warm welcome~!

* Feb. 2017: Dr. Wu was appointed as MICHELLE MUNSON-SERBAN SIMU KEYSTONE RESEARCH FACULTY SCHOLAR at Kansas State University. Congrats~!

*Jan. 31st, 2017: Our paper entitled "Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation of a distribution system with air conditioners under model predictive control" was accepted in 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting.

* Jan. 20th, 2017: Our paper entitled "Butler, not servants: A human-centric smart home energy management system" was accepted for publication in IEEE Communication Magazine (IF 10.44).

* Jan. 16th, 2017: Our paper entitled "Developing use cases for evaluation of ADMS applications to accelerate technology adoption" was accepted in 2017 IEEE GreenTech Conference.

* Jan. 10th, 2017: Our paper entitled “An assessment of flexibility reserves in stochastic modeling at multiple timescales,” was accepted for publication in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.

* Jan. 10th, 2017: Dr. Wu received a small grant from NREL on developing HEMS code to support smart home hardware-in-the-loop experiments.

* Jan. 4th, 2017: Our research on "Transactive home energy management system" is reported by National Renewable Energy Laboratory at Linkedin.

* Jan., 2017: Our paper entitled "Wind-friendly flexible ramping product design in multi-timescale power system operations" was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.

*Dec. 2016: The first semester concluded successfully. Congratulations to everyone who took ECE 890. Well Done!

* Dec., 2016: Dr. Wu was invited as a guest editor in Energies for the Special Issue "Battery Energy Storage Applications in Smart Grid". More information can be found here.

* Dec., 2016: Our article entitled "Transactive home energy management systems: The impact of their proliferation on the electric grid" was published in IEEE Electrification Magazine.

* Nov., 2016: Our paper entitled "Stochastic multi-timescale power system operations with variable wind generation" was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

* Nov., 2016: Our paper entitled "The value of improved wind power forecasting: Grid flexibility quantification, ramp capability analysis, and impacts of electricity market operation timescales" was accepted for publication in Applied Energy.

* Nov., 2016: Our paper entitled "A multi-band uncertainty set based robust SCUC with spatial and temporal budget constraints" was published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

* Oct., 2016: Our paper entitled "Multiple period ramping processes in day-ahead electricity markets" was published in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.

* Oct., 2016: Our paper entitled "Quantifying the economic and grid reliability impacts of improved wind power forecasting" was published in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.

* Sept., 2016: Our paper entitled "Chance-constrained system of system based decentralized operation of power systems" was published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

* Sept. 2016: Dr. Wu chaired a session on “Power System Analysis” at the North American Power Symposium (NAPS).

* Aug., 2016: Our paper entitled "IGMS: An integrated ISO-to-appliance scale grid modeling system" was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

* Aug., 2016: Dr. Wu officially joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University. A New Beginning for Dr. Wu!

* July, 2016: Our paper entitled "Analyzing the impacts of increased wind power on generation revenue sufficiency" was selected as Best Conference paper on Planning, Operations, & Electricity Markets, in 2016 IEEE PES General Meeting.